Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (Croatia) (MZOS)

Ministry of Science, Education and Sport is in charge of administrative and other activities relating to the following: preschool education, elementary school and secondary education in the country and abroad; curriculum; textbooks, educational standards; development of the educational system; professional education and permanent education of kindergarten and school teachers; student standard; inspection and professional and pedagogic control; establishment of educational institutions and control of their compliance with the laws; securing financial and material conditions for work in education; qualifying the children, youth and adults for acquiring technical knowledge and skills, and activities of various associations in its domain. The Ministry also performs administrative and other activities relating to the following: system and design of curricula for higher education in the country and abroad, and securing financial and material conditions for work, professional education and permanent education of teachers, accommodation, food and other issues relating to student standard, and inspection in higher education.

The Ministry performs administrative and other activities relating to the following: development of the scientific-research activities and scientific and technical information and communications; development of scientific-research and other legal persons; development of science and application of scientific achievements in certain areas, harmonization of the financing program of constant research activity and contractual projects for the purpose or realization of the national scientific-research program and scientific programs of special interest; planning, harmonization and implementation of IT development and its interconnection into an integral IT system of the Republic of Croatia; monitoring, recording and realization of scientific, technical and technological cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations pursuant to international agreements; sending Croatian experts abroad and participation of foreign experts in research in the Republic of Croatia, cooperation with Croatian experts abroad; activities regarding scholarships, specialist training and practical training of Croatian and foreign experts pursuant to international, national, business and other agreements.

The Ministry performs administrative and other activities relating to the following: development of sports and physical education; protection and advancement of the health of children, youth and adults, and to the activities of sports associations.

The Ministry performs administrative and other activities relating to the following: qualification of children, youth and adults for acquiring technical knowledge, and skills, and to the activities of associations in the field.

Europe : Croatia
Institution type
Non French Institutions : Public research coordinating or funding body

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