National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB)
Нацыянальная акадэмія навук Беларусі

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is the highest state scientific organization of the Republic of Belarus. Subordinate to the President of the Republic of Belarus, accountable to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus organizes and coordinates basic and applied scientific research carried out by all subjects of scientific activity, conducts basic and applied sciencific research and development in the most important areas of natural, technical, humanitarian, social sciences and arts in order to obtain new knowledge about man, society, nature and artificially created objects to increase the scientific, technical, intellectual and spiritual potential of the Republic of Belarus.
The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus oversees the organizational and technical support of the state scientific expertise, conducts a unified state policy, coordination and government regulation of organizations in the field of research and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, acts as the heading organization of Belarus for the scientific and methodological support of the development of information and also performs, within the limits of authority established by the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" and the Charter of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the individual functions of the republican body of state administration in the sphere of science.
Founded in October 1928 as the Belarusian Academy of Sciences and solemnly opened on January 1, 1929, it unites full members (academicians), corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences, other members of the General Assembly of the Academy of Sciences, honorary and foreign members of the Academy of Sciences, as well as departments of the Academy of Sciences, the apparatus of the Academy of Sciences, scientific organizations, including the scientific and practical centers of the Academy of Sciences, and other legal entities subordinated to the Academy of Sciences. The Academy of Sciences employs about 16.0 thousand people, whose average age is less than 47 years. Among them are about 5,507 researchers, 387 doctors of science and 1,611 candidates of science, including 207 professors and 518 associate professors.