Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS)

NIAS - one of the institutes of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) – has made it its mission to provide a physical and intellectual space for advanced research in the humanities and social sciences that is driven by curiosity and cross-discipline collaboration. NIAS is committed to supporting independent research and knowledge exchange in a setting that is both collaborative and multi-disciplinary – breaking down cross-discipline barriers and facilitating innovative advances in the process.
Our goals
NIAS’ goal is to enable independent curiosity-driven advanced research in the humanities and social sciences. Moreover, NIAS aims to bridge the gap between the research practices of the humanities and social sciences on the one hand and the natural sciences and life sciences on the other hand. In addition, the academic community is enriched by the presence of writers, journalists and artists producing a serendipitous and collaborative work environment, which unlocks imagination and curiosity.
How we achieve our goals
NIAS aims to attract high quality scholars and select the best scientists. Succesful applicants are selected by an external review process, where the quality and innovative value of the research proposal count.
The institute offers offices, research facilities, library services and – if eligible – accommodation to its fellows. Researchers from universities and research organisations in the Netherlands can apply for a teaching replacement fund, which frees them from their teaching commitments and enables them to focus on what matters: their research. In addition, international fellows are eligible for a stipend and accommodation subsidy.
The institute’s support facilities – as well as its international and interdisciplinary community – provide an autonomous research setting in which creativity and forward-thinking ideas can thrive. In addition to the cross-discipline collaborations within the sciences, NIAS stimulates collaboration between the arts and the sciences by offering fellowships to writers, journalists and artists. This allows the fellows to meet, interact and form new partnerships with researchers from disciplines with whom they would not have an opportunity to engage with in their own academic settings.
Composing a year group
Applicants for regular fellowships are evaluated by external reviewers, while co-sponsored candidates are put forward by the sponsors. The final selection is made from the best candidates to form a balanced year group in terms of gender, region and disciplines. Owing to NIAS’ aim of creating a collaborative international and interdisciplinary community, half of its fellows come from universities or research organisations in the Netherlands while the other half come from outside the Netherlands. Many of the researchers hold individual fellowships, but some participate as members of a theme group. Fellowships can be regular NIAS fellowships, co-sponsored fellowships or specific-programme fellowships such as the Guest of the Director. Regular individual fellowships make up the bulk of NIAS’ community of fellows.
As well as being international and interdisciplinary, NIAS’ community is also a balanced mix of distinguished senior scholars and promising younger researchers. The maximum number of fellowship places during the 10-month academic year is 30. However, due to the higher number of shorter fellowships, the total number of researchers per academic year is around 50. The institute offers researchers three-, five- or ten-month fellowships to work on their studies – in an environment free from the distractions, interruptions and other commitments of daily university life such as teaching and management tasks.
Our ambitions for the future
NIAS’ core task is to maintain and reinforce its position as an international institute for independent advanced study. In the coming years, NIAS’ ambition in Amsterdam is to establish itself further as a national institute that promotes reflective and curiosity-driven advanced research – one that is recognised as a unique and vital aspect of the Netherlands’ academic infrastructure. The organisation aims to continue to play a visible role in forming interdisciplinary research partnerships driven by innovative research questions, directions, strategies and methodologies.
NIAS has a small staff and a flat (horizontal) organisational structure with short lines of communication and minimal bureaucracy. NIAS is led by the director, who represents the institute and is responsible for strategic planning. The director is supported by the institute manager who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the centre and the fellow-selection process. Together, the director and the institute manager form the directorate.
The Scientific Advisory Board (WECO) advises the NIAS director, the board and the director general of the KNAW on matters concerning the institute’s long-term strategic policy in relation to its core mission. The Scientific Advisory Board may offer advice with or without being requested, and it forms an important forum for the institute. The board meets at least once a year or as often as the chair and two other members deem necessary.
Members of the Scientific Advisory Board are:
- Professor Johan Schot, Utrecht University, History of Global Comparative History (chair)
- Professor Marieke de Goede, University of Amsterdam, Political Sciences
- Prof Pablo Valdivia Martin, University of Groningen, Cultural Studies
- Dr. Bernike Pasveer, Universiteit Maastricht, Technology, Science & Society
The NIAS Directorate also installs an Academic Advisory Board (AAB) which has the task of advising the NIAS Directorate on the selection procedure and to rank applicants, on which basis the NIAS Directorate makes decisions about the allocation of fellowships.
Members of the Academic Advisory Board are:
- Professor Johan Schot, Utrecht University, History of Global Comparative History (chair)
- Professor Marieke de Goede, University of Amsterdam, Political Sciences
- Prof Pablo Valdivia Martin, University of Groningen, Cultural Studies
- Dr. Bernike Pasveer, Universiteit Maastricht, Technology, Science & Society
- Professor Erika Kraemer-Mbula, University of Johannesburg, Business and Economics
- Professor John R. Bowen, Washington University in St. Louis, Anthropology
- Professor Joyashree Roy, Asian Institute of Technology, Economics
NIAS is one of the institutes of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). The institute receives an annual lump sum from KNAW to cover running costs, fellowships and staff. A number of fellowships are co-sponsored by public and private organisations.