Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies

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Created in 1996, inspired by the Loire Valley historical, geographical and human cultures, the objective of LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies is to create a dynamic outwards-looking international scientific community in region Centre-Val de Loire (France) covering all research disciplines and involving public and private research institutions.

One of its principal missions is to attract and welcome experienced international researchers to the laboratories and enterprises of region Centre-Val de Loire. To date, LE STUDIUM has attracted more than 164 experienced researchers to the region coming from 42 countries.

LE STUDIUM leads the scientific exchange, network activities and animation of LE STUDIUM international faculty of fellows, in order to favour cross-disciplinary exchanges with regional and international scientific communities to build human capacity for research, development and innovation.

LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies, operating in region Centre-Val de Loire of France, has a network of partners including the University of Orleans, University François-Rabelais of Tours, INSA Centre Val de Loire, ESAD Orléans, and national research institutions: BRGM, CEA Le Ripault, CNRS Centre Limousin Poitou-Charente, INRA Val de Loire, Inserm, IRSTEA; and Poles of competitiveness. In total, more than sixty laboratories in member structures work with LE STUDIUM.

For the period 2015-2020, LE STUDIUM operates with a co-financing from the European Union in the framework of the Marie-Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA)-COFUND (Co-Funding of regional, national and international programmes) for the mobility of experienced researchers. This co-funding instrument increases the number of LE STUDIUM fellowships to be awarded each year.

Europe : France (North-West)
Institution type
French Institutions : Institute for advanced study