Trinity Long Room Hub
Trinity College Dublin

The Trinity Long Room Hub, the Arts and Humanities Research Institute of Trinity College Dublin is one of five flagship research institutes of the University, and the one dedicated to promoting and facilitating innovative research across its nine Arts and Humanities member Schools. We offer to the researchers in our member schools a supportive research environment that harnesses and expands the excellence of Trinity’s Arts and Humanities research. In particular, we champion the development of a small number of overarching priority research themes and seek to pioneer cross-disciplinary collaborative projects within the university and with national and international partners.
To strengthen our international networks and to bring our researchers into intensive dialogue with the best of their respective fields, we run a Visiting Research Fellows programme. Since 2010, the institute’s home is a signature building at the heart of the historic campus. Its prominent location aptly signifies the centrality of the Arts and Humanities for our university and for society, and makes it an ideal place for connecting academic research with a wider public. It is one of our prime aims to make the most of this location and serve as a focal point for debates on the challenges facing the world today and the contributions the Arts & Humanities make to addressing them. We run a dense and diverse programme of academic events, public lectures, seminars and conferences, aimed at increasing the visibility and the impact of our research.
Trinity Long Room Hub Visiting Research Fellowships
We run a competitive visiting research fellowship programme each year offering fellowships ranging from two weeks to three months to scholars of the highest standing in their respective fields, appropriate to their career stage. Fellowships are open equally to established and mid-career researchers but not normally to postdoctoral researchers. The projects of nominated Fellows must support one or more of the following strategic aims of our VRF programme:
- Trinity’s Arts- and Humanities- led research themes;
- Emerging areas of interdisciplinary research supported by the TLRH in Environmental Humanities, Medical Humanities and Cultural Trauma;
- Partnering Schools’ research priorities;
- Interdisciplinary research projects;
- Use of the Library collections.
We are not operating an open call for applications to this programme at present. Instead the nomination process is driven by our 9 partnering Schools and the Library. When the call is open, each of these partners may submit a small number of nominations in accordance with the strategic aims of the scheme above which are then considered by a selection committee and a limited number of fellows appointed depending on available funding.