Botstiber Fellowships on Austrian-American Relations


The Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies (BIAAS) seeks grant proposals for research or projects aimed at promoting an understanding of the historic relationship between the United States and Austria (including Habsburg Austria).

Research proposals may request support for on-site research at archives or other facilities holding historical documents. Proposals may also include support for books, dissertations, exhibits or media projects.

Fields of Interest

Eligible fields include history, politics, economics, law, or cultural studies.

Grant Amount

The maximum funding an applicant may seek is $25,000.

Application Process

Below is a list of requirements for a completed proposal. All documents should be combined in a single PDF, in the order stipulated here, and submitted to with the subject, [Last Name, Grant Type (Research & Project or Event), Year]. Proposals will require:

  • Proposal summary form (Download as a PDF or Word file);
  • Narrative description (Max. 2,000 word count, which provides a justification for the research or project, conveying the ideas, objectives, methods, and work plan. The applicant should also describe the significance of the proposed work as it pertains to Austrian-American studies, including its value to scholars and/or general audiences. A simple statement of need or intent is insufficient.);
  • Itemized and reasonably detailed budget (US Dollars);
  • Description of other funding/support;
  • Curriculum vitae (No more than three pages for the project director or principal investigator);
  • Bibliography (No more than three pages for the project director or principal investigator);
  • Two letters of reference (Letters of reference may be sent directly by the referee on behalf of the applicant); and
  • Relevant organizations will need to include their 501(c)(3) IRS determination letters and board member lists.

Please note: The designated applicant must be the principal investigator or chief person responsible for the work proposed.

All complete proposals are thoroughly evaluated. BIAAS may require additional information. Any discussions or indications of interest should not be interpreted as a commitment to support the research or project. Financial and narrative reports are due 90 days after the completion of the research or project.


March 31, 2025Grant Proposals are due by 5pm EST.

June 2025Applicants are notified of BIAAS decision.

September 1, 2025Grant implementation period begins.

August 31, 2026Grant implementation period ends.

November 30, 2026Financial and narrative grant reports due.

Additional Resources

Further Considerations

BIAAS encourages proposals that facilitate our promotion of grantee work and work products. In particular, grantees interested in contributing to BIAAS’s Austro-American Blog SeriesThe Botstiber Podcast, or publishing research or project materials online or in the Journal of Austrian-American History, are encouraged to apply.

Proposal Requirements

We strongly recommend you review the FAQs before applying. Please see Additional Resources above.

Ready to Apply?

Proposals must be submitted by March 31, 2025.

Please direct any inquiries to:

Mr. Luke D. Morgante
Program Officer
Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies
Email address:

Date de candidature
Humanités : Histoire
Sciences sociales : Droit, Economie, Relations internationales, Science politique, Sociologie