Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowship

The Project on Managing the Atom/ International Security Program participates in the nuclear security fellowship program funded by the Stanton Foundation. These fellowships are non deferrable.
Frank Stanton, the president of CBS News from 1946-1971, established The Stanton Foundation. During his 25 years at the network's helm, Stanton turned an also-ran radio network into a broadcasting powerhouse. Stanton died in 2006, aged 98 years.
According to information provided by the foundation, Stanton was a strong defender of free speech and was determined to use television as an "instrument of civic education." For example, in 1960, he supported the first televised presidential debates with Richard Nixon and John Kennedy, which required a special act of Congress before they could proceed. These debates were credited with helping Kennedy win the presidency, and have since become a staple of U.S. presidential campaigns.
Throughout his life, Stanton was interested in international security and U.S. foreign policy. He served on several presidential commissions charged with preparing the United States for the challenges of living in a nuclear world. In 1954, Dwight Eisenhower appointed Stanton to a committee convened to develop the first comprehensive plan for the nation's survival of the following a nuclear attack. Stanton was responsible for developing plans for national and international communication in the aftermath of a nuclear incident. According to a statement from the foundation, "The Stanton Foundation aims, through its support of the Nuclear Security Fellows program, to perpetuate his efforts to meet [such] challenges."
Fellows are expected to produce a written product at the end of the fellowship (e.g. an article, report, or book). Suitable topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Nuclear terrorism
- Nuclear proliferation
- Nuclear weapons
- Nuclear force posture
- Nuclear energy as it relates to nuclear security
The Stanton Nuclear Security Fellows must be in residence for the duration of their fellowships.
Stipend Information
The Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowships offer annual stipends of 86,100 USD to postdoctoral research fellows, and stipends for junior faculty fellows will be awarded on a case-by-case basis and be commensurate with experience. These are benefits-eligible fellowships.
Application Requirements
- CV/ Resume
- Research statement (3–5 pages)
- Writing sample (less than 50 pages)
- Should be one published or unpublished piece written by the applicant (co-authored pieces not accepted) in English that will demonstrate his/her English-language writing ability
- Can be a journal article, book chapter, dissertation chapter, white paper, etc. you have produced in your field
- Contact information for 3 recommenders submitting letters on your behalf
Postdoctoral and junior faculty applicants must have received their Ph.D. within the past five years. Junior faculty applicants must hold a tenure-track position. All eligible fellowship applicants to the International Security Program and Project on Managing the Atom with a nuclear focus will be considered for the Stanton Nuclear Security Fellowship.
For more information on this fellowship:
Susan M. Lynch - Program Assistant, International Security Program