Thomas Jefferson Fund

The Thomas Jefferson Fund provides a unique framework to enable promising and innovative projects to reach their full potential and enrich French-American research collaborations.
The Thomas Jefferson Fund issues a yearly call for proposals and fund projects led by two outstanding young American and French researchers at the beginning of their careers, with mid- to long- term positions at a research or higher education institution in the United States or in France (post-doctorate level, assistant or associate professor, maître de conférences or chargé de recherche).
The Fund aims to encourage cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research projects of the highest quality and especially seeks to support emerging collaborations involving a team of younger researchers.
Grants will be awarded per funding cycle in each of the following fields:
• Humanities and Social Sciences (SSH)
• Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
• Sciences for Society (interdisciplinary STEM-SSH projects)
Each grant will amount to $20,000 over two years to be split equally between the French and the American teams. Co-financing from the researchers’ universities is encouraged to ensure the sustainability of these research partnerships.
These funds will support transatlantic mobility of researchers, collaborative research activities, the organization of international workshops or conferences, and the publication of joint articles.
The Thomas Jefferson Fund seeks out cutting-edge projects of great originality where an initial investment can make a substantial difference by putting American and French partners at the forefront of a new area of inquiry. The two-year terms of the Thomas Jefferson Fund grants will provide the stable platform and confidence that projects on the cusp of taking off require. This investment in early-stage projects and in engaging talented young scholars from diverse backgrounds working at the frontiers of knowledge will jumpstart innovative initiatives and facilitate the emergence of a new generation of international leaders.
Selection Process
Applications will be submitted jointly by the partnering researchers. They will be reviewed and evaluated for scientific and technical merit by high-level independent experts. On the basis of these evaluations and of the applications, a French-American selection committee will select the best projects to be funded.
Selected projects will be reviewed yearly to confirm both scientific and financial integrity.