Thyssen Foundation Support of Projects
Support of projects by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation focuses on scholars in the humanities, social science and biomedicine fields. The planned project should be limited in terms of the subject and time.
An application can be filed in the following areas of support:
- History, Language & Culture
- The interdisciplinary field “Image–Sound–Language”
- State, Economy and Society
- Medicine and the Natural Sciences
Interdisciplinary projects are also welcomed by the foundation. Funding is basically reserved for projects that are related to the promotion areas of the Foundation and have a clear connection to the German research system. This connection can be established either at a personal level through German scientists working on the project, at an institutional level through non-German scientists being affiliated to German research institutes or through studies on topics related thematically to German research interests.
Applications for projects in the humanities and social sciences
Basic information and conditions
- Applications can generally only be accepted if they come from universities or non-profit research institutions.
- Applications may be filed with the foundation by one or more applicants with a doctoral/post-doctoral degree.
- Planned project staff cannot file applications as applicants.
- Junior scholars can apply for their own post within the framework of a Project (see own post) and thus in this case act as sole applicant.
- The planned project can generally stretch over a working period of up to three years. If approved, financial resources are usually provided initially for two years; an application for an extension might need to be filed for the final third project year (see deadlines for submission).
- The applicant must be actively involved in the research work plan for the project. Projects which are solely aimed at completing doctoral dissertations are not supported by the foundation.
- The foundation generally does not accept any applications for projects if applications are being filed with other institutions at the same time to ease the burden on its experts assessing applications. An application that is refused by another institution can be filed with the foundation along with a note explaining why it was refused (s. application form).
- It is generally not possible to revise applications that have been rejected by the Foundation.
Suggested outline of the application
- Application form (signed in the original by all applicants)
- Summary (1-2 pages)
- Detailed description: topic, present state of research, preparatory work done, theories and methods, plan of procedure with time schedule, planned staff (about 15 to 20 pages)
- Curriculum vitae and list of publications of the applicant
- Curriculum vitaes and list of publications of planned staff if applicable
- Collaboration with other scholars
- Personal and material support from the budget of the institution or from any other sources
- Bibliography on the topic
- An itemized budget showing:
- Personnel costs (usually one entire position or two half positions based on the “Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder” [TVL], or in countries other than Germany, the salary costs arrangements applicable there, i. e. total wage and salary costs including the employers’s share)
- If relevant, financial resources for research assistants or student helpers
- One-off costs (special literature, licenses, small equipment, etc.)
- Annual running costs, in particular for supplies (per year)
- Other costs (e.g. contracts with outside providers, works Agreements)
- Travel expenses
- Total amount of resources requested (If the itemized budgets are quite long or complex, these should be summarized in a table broken down according to types of cost and years.)
- Any financial resources that are provided by the university or third parties for the project should be listed separately.
A single set of the complete application with all the documents is to be sent (unstapled and unbound) by postal service. The application together with its annexes must also be provided on a computer disk or by e-mail ( (the version must be the same as the paper Version; max. 10 MB).
Applications may be submitted in German or in English.
Deadlines for applications
Project applications can be submitted until
- 15. February for the summer meeting of the foundation committees in June
- 15. September for the winter meeting of the foundation committees in February
of each year. The date stated on the postal stamp applies.
Please note that due to the high number of applications, it may take a few days until you receive an acknowledgement of receipt.
Types of costs
Complete personnel costs can be applied for in the case of research staff with doctoral degrees under TVL-E13. In the case of research staff who do not have doctoral degrees, their pay is generally based on one half of TVL-E13-position.
Non-academic personnel are paid at the appropriate TVL level.
Student helpers or research assistants should be paid according to the rates prevailing at the institution involved; the foundation is to be notified hereof through the budget plan accompanying the application.
Junior scholars with doctoral degrees can apply for their own post (generally based on TVL-E13) within the framework of a project.
The application is to be accompanied by a confirmation from the institution employing the scholar that
- the university will act as employer during the term of the support,
- that it will provide an appropriate workplace,
- the obligation of the recipient of support will be limited to work on the research project being supported by the foundation and scholarly work directly linked thereto,
- influence will not be exercised on the independent performance of the said research project through
orders issued by the employer.
Funds to defray travel costs that are directly connected with the project can be applied for. In addition to reasonable travel and overnight accommodation costs, up to € 24 a day can be granted to defray the costs of meals when traveling within Germany (rail travel 2nd class or air travel economy class).
In the case of travel abroad, the daily or monthly rates for the respective country of travel can be applied for to defray overnight accommodation and meal costs.
- Staff resources for applicants who already have a post (substituting for chairs or similar)
- Financial resources for construction work
- Financial resources to procure office furnishings and equipment that are usually part of the basic furnishings at universities and institutes
- Generally no financial resources are granted to defray overhead costs
Notice of grant, payment and accounting
The conditions governing the grant are stated in the letter announcing the grant to the candidate. In accepting the grant, the candidate commits himself to carrying out the conditions of the grant.
The funds are to be administered by the relevant university or institute, and are disbursed upon the written request – signed in the original – of the grant holder or the office administrating third-party funds (state file numbers, accounts for third-party funds, bank information, internal accounting numbers); if possible in quarterly to half-year installments. This letter can be sent to the foundation by fax or as a pdf file attached to an e-mail.
Up to 20% of the funding for an approved item can be shifted to another approved item if the foundation provides its consent to such in advance. Project funds may only be used to defray other expenses not stated in the application subject to prior approval by the foundation.
At the end of the period of support, the grant holder must submit to the foundation accounts showing how the funds have been used as well as a final report on the project (at least 7 to 10 pages) – each signed in the original. Any funds not used must generally be returned after review of the accounts showing how the funds have been used and request for such by the foundation.
The account statement along with the accounts showing how the funds have been used must be backed up with verifiable receipts and documents. These should be kept, but not sent to the foundation unless requested to do so.
The foundation expects that the results of the scholarly work will be made available for the use of other scholars through publications – it requests two offprints or specimen copies – and that it will contain a note that support was provided by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. The logo of the foundation can be downloaded from the website for this purpose. The foundation does not assume any obligation with the approval of project resources, however, to provide funding to prepare and print publications. It is up to the recipient of support to file an application for a printing subsidy if such is needed.
Application for extension
An application for extension can be applied for with projects that have already received support from the foundation, generally for a maximum of one year. The deadlines for project applications at the foundation must be met.
In filing such an application, please follow the notes for filing project applications. Applications for extension should in particular state
- what work has been performed and results attained to date
- what work is planned for the year of extension.
A time schedule and budget are to be submitted for the extension period applied for in addition.