University of Michigan LSA Collegiate Fellows Program

Application opens August 1
The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) at the University of Michigan (U-M) offers its students an outstanding undergraduate education in the liberal arts at a premier research institution, and is dedicated to building a broadly diverse and inclusive scholarly environment.
In 2016, as part of a 5-year DEI strategic plan, LSA announced that a newly created Collegiate Postdoctoral Fellowship Program would recruit 50 extraordinarily promising scholars whose research, teaching, and service will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity in higher education. The program offers support to fellows to prepare them for tenure-track faculty appointments in LSA; this includes community-building activities, professional development and mentoring, and support for teaching and research. The program has been highly competitive; between 2016 and 2022, 4,424 applications were received. As of 2023, the program has been incredibly successful with 50 total hires, out of which 46 have or will transition into tenure-track assistant professor positions in LSA. The fellows were selected for their outstanding scholarship, as judged by their departments, and for their commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the academy. They are also exceptionally diverse in their respective research, scholarship, and identities.
Building on the success of this program, LSA will continue the Collegiate Fellowship faculty hiring initiative as part of its second 5-year DEI Strategic Plan, which will launch in September 2023. In collaboration with the National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID), the LSA Collegiate Fellowship Program aims to hire 32 exceptional scholars who are committed to building a diverse intellectual community over the next five years. Scholars can be hired as early-career scholars not yet in tenure track positions, or as early-in-rank associate professors.
In academic year 2023-2024, this faculty hiring initiative seeks to recruit exceptional faculty at both the assistant and early associate level. For more details, including deadlines for the 2023-2024 application cycle, see the webpage dedicated to each of the two hiring mechanisms.
Early deadline: Tuesday, September 10, 2024 (letters of recommendation due September 12)
Later deadline: Tuesday, October 15, 2024 (letters of recommendation due same day)
LSA Collegiate Fellowship Programs
Assistant Professor Level: For early career scholars, the LSA Collegiate Fellowship Program provides up to two years of postdoctoral fellowship support in preparation for tenure-track appointments or immediate tenure-track appointments in LSA departments. The NCID provides cohort- and program-based activities designed to support Fellows’ scholarship and professional development, while building a community of scholars committed to issues of DEI.
LSA Senior Collegiate Fellowship
Associate Professor Level: The newly launched LSA Senior Collegiate Fellowship program seeks outstanding scholars with demonstrated DEI commitments in higher education for tenured positions in the college as associate professors. In their first year, successful candidates will participate in a cohort-based professional development program designed to support DEI leadership in their service and administrative roles. Faculty may apply if they are early in rank associate professors or scholars in the year they are seeking promotion to associate rank.