1 jours restant bookmark this HORIZON EUROPE┋A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for advanced data enrichment European Commission
1 jours restant bookmark this HORIZON EUROPE┋A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for documenting, interlinking and organising data European Commission
1 jours restant bookmark this HORIZON EUROPE┋A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for high-value interactions with visitors and heritage objects European Commission
1 jours restant bookmark this HORIZON EUROPE┋A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for digitisation and analysis of dynamic processes, objects and complex combined data European Commission
1 jours restant bookmark this HORIZON EUROPE┋A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for the study, conservation and restoration of heritage objects European Commission
2 jours restant bookmark this APPEL À MANIFESTATION D'INTÉRÊTS MITI/COSPRAD┋Recherches interdisciplinaires sur les radicalités : entre enjeux d’action publique et réseaux transnationaux Mission pour les initiatives transverses et interdisciplinaires (MITI) Institut des hautes études du ministère de l'Intérieur (IHEMI) ...
8 jours restant bookmark this TORCH International Engagement Fund Hilary Term Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH) Université d'Oxford
10 jours restant bookmark this Prix de l’AARHSE Association académique pour la recherche historique et sociologique dans le domaine de l’énergie (AARHSE)
10 jours restant bookmark this Mid-career Fellowships on British Art and Architecture Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
10 jours restant bookmark this Postdoctoral Fellowships on British Art and Architecture Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
10 jours restant bookmark this Résidences islamologiques de l’Ifpo Institut français du Proche-Orient (IFPO) Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères (France) (MEAE)