Alfried Krupp Institute for Advanced Study

Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald

The Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg is an academically independent institution sponsored by the Stiftung Alfried Krupp Kolleg Greifswald. The Institute is intended to assist outstanding research and realize projects in interdisciplinary and international co-operation. The Academic Director is responsible for its academic programme.
The initiative to establish the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg came from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, Professor Dr. h. c. mult. Berthold Beitz. Professor Beitz associated this initiative with the idea that an institute for advanced study in the Hanseatic and University city of Greifswald could assist Greifswald to become once again the "liberal, cosmopolitan centre for encounters in the Baltic Sea region" that it used to be for centuries. The Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg is committed to this goal and Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach's conviction that it is "a moral duty to enable one's neighbours to participate actively in the progress of knowledge".
The academic programme of the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg is made possible by financial support provided by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung.

Europe : Allemagne
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Institut d’études avancées

Appels en cours

Aucun appel en cours disponible pour cette institution.