American Institute for Economic Research (AIER)


American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) conducts independent, scientific, economic research to educate individuals, thereby advancing their personal interests and those of the Nation.

The Institute, founded in 1933, represents no fund, concentration of wealth, or other special interests. Advertising is not accepted in its publications. Financial support for the Institute is provided primarily by the small annual fees from several thousand sustaining members, by receipts from sales of its publications, by tax-deductible contributions, and by the earnings of its wholly owned investment advisory organization, American Investment Services, Inc. Experience suggests that information and advice on economic subjects are most useful when they come from a source that is independent of special interests, either commercial or political.

Current Economy

AIER produces timely and in-depth analyses of trends affecting the national economy. Each month we offer an accurate read of current conditions and a reliable near-term outlook for business growth, inflation, and capital markets, and report on the results of our on-going research.

How the Economy Works

AIER research reports present clear and objective analyses of how the economy works. Our reports offer timeless insights into business cycles, money and inflation, and the economics of government policy.

Personal Economics

AIER's reports offer clear and useful insights into the economic aspects of everyday life. Our publications show how to apply economic reasoning to important decisions that affect your economic and financial security through every stage of your life.

Economic Education

AIER brings practical and useful knowledge of economics and financial planning to people of all ages. High School teachers, domestic violence survivors, college students and post-graduate economists benefit from our education programs. Support our mission by donating today.

Amérique : États-Unis (Nouvelle-Angleterre)
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Autre institut de recherche ou laboratoire d'idées

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