Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) is Austria's central funding organization for basic research.
The purpose of the FWF is to support the ongoing development of Austrian science and basic research at a high international level. In this way, the FWF makes a significant contribution to cultural development, to the advancement of our knowledge-based society, and thus to the creation of value and wealth in Austria.
Our objectives
- To strengthen Austria's international performance and capabilities in science and research as well as the country's attractiveness as a location for high-level scientific activities, primarily by funding top-quality research projects for individuals and teams and by enhancing the competitiveness of Austria's innovation system and its research facilities;
- To develop Austria's human resources for science and research in both qualitative and quantitative terms based on the principle of research-driven education;
- To emphasize and enhance the interactive effects of science and research with all other areas of culture, the economy and society, and in particular to increase the acceptance of science and research through concerted public relations activities.
Our values
- Excellence and competition: The FWF's funding activities focus on research efforts devoted to generating new knowledge; the quality of research is assessed by international referees on a competitive basis.
- Independence: Creativity in basic research requires freedom. Thanks to its legally independent status, the FWF is able to ensure this freedom and to safeguard science and research from the direct influence of special interest groups.
- International orientation: The FWF is guided by the standards of the international scientific community and actively supports cooperation across national borders.
- Equal treatment of all disciplines: The FWF treats all researchers according to the same standards, without giving preference to or discriminating against individual disciplines.
- Transparency and fairness: The FWF makes every effort to avoid conflicts of interest, to implement checks and balances in all stages of its procedures, and to communicate its methods and decision-making process clearly in order to ensure acceptance of its activities.
- Gender mainstreaming: The equal treatment of women and men in research is a top priority at the FWF, and our organization pursues this objective through specific programs and gender mainstreaming in all fields.
- Equal opportunities: The FWF evaluates grant applications without regard to the applicant's position or academic degree.
- Ethical standards: The FWF is dedicated to ensuring that the rules of sound scientific practice and internationally accepted ethical standards are observed within the fund's sphere of influence.
Europe : Autriche
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Organisme public de coordination ou de financement de la recherche