Bill and Carol Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry

Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Université Emory


The Bill and Carol Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry (FCHI) was established from a long-term initiative sparked by grassroots advocacy of faculty members, forwarded by the Humanities Council, and concluded by a Planning Committee appointed in fall 2000 by the College and Graduate School Deans. The originators envisioned a Center that promotes individual research, while also increasing the impact of the humanities across the University and ultimately on Atlanta, the region, and the nation.

The FCHI capitalizes on two of Emory's strengths: excellent humanities Departments and Programs, and longstanding institutional commitments to interdisciplinary research and teaching. Programmatic activities at the Center combine Emory's disciplinary and inter-disciplinary strengths to better serve all of the humanities. With our encouragement of the best scholarship and teaching, along with our emphasis on a broad and liberating conception of the humanities as a whole as well as specialized research in diverse fields, the FCHI stands for the central role of the humanities in the life of Emory University and beyond.

Mission Statement

The FCHI is a focal point for humanities endeavors at Emory University and serves to advance research and teaching, overall, in the humanities. The FCHI serves both those trained in the humanities and also others in the University who are interested in humanistic issues. The FCHI is dedicated to providing occasions and spaces for encouraging intellectual community and scholarship across disciplines.

Support of Research and Scholarship in the Humanities

In addition to offering broad general support to those engaged in humanistic research across the University, the FCHI runs three Fellows Programs annually. Four Senior Fellows and four Dissertation Completion Fellows from Emory and three Post-Doctoral Fellows selected from other institutions as well as Emory are supported for an academic year of research and scholarship. FCHI Fellows spend the academic year in residence at the Center and take active roles in the life of the FCHI, as well as in the intellectual life of the larger University.

Amérique : États-Unis (Sud-Est)
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Université

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