Centre d'Etudes Khmères (CEK)


The Center for Khmer Studies (CKS) is a private American Overseas Research Center working to promote research, teaching and public service in the social sciences, arts and humanities, as they are related to Cambodia. CKS also aims to connect Cambodian scholars, students and artists with their international colleagues for the purposes of fostering understanding of Cambodia and Southeast Asia.

CKS works to encourages foreign scholars working in Cambodian to collaborate with local scholars in order to develop the human resources of Cambodians and allow for the transfer of knowledge and expertise among Cambodian scholars and their international counterparts. Additionally, CKS offers a fellowship program, research and training programs, publishing and translation programs, and hosts a variety of conferences, lectures and workshops.

CKS is the only Southeast Asian member of the Council of American Overseas Research Centers. The Consortium of the CKS is a membership based network of committed institutions and individuals that include universities, libraries, academic societies and museums. Some of the Consortium of the CKS’s numerous international partners and affiliates include: The American Association of Asian Studies, Asia Cultural Council, Cornell University, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, New York University, Smithsonian Institution, UCLA and the University of Chicago.

CKS receives its funding through foundation grants, corporate support and generous private individuals and groups.

CKS is based in Siem Reap, Cambodia with an office in Phnom Penh and administrative and support offices in New York City and Paris.

Asie : Cambodge
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Autre institut de recherche ou laboratoire d'idées

Appels en cours

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