Collegio Carlo Alberto

Università degli Studi di Torino

The Collegio Carlo Alberto is a private research and teaching institution, located in the town of Moncalieri, northern Italy, in the province of Turin. The institution was created in 2004 as a joint initiative of the Compagnia di San Paolo and the University of Turin. Its mission is to foster research and education in social sciences. President of the Collegio is Pietro Terna.

The Collegio's research community consists of full-time junior and senior faculty hired on the international academic job market, faculty of the University of Turin, and visiting scholars. They conduct research within the social sciences with both empirical and theoretical emphasis. Research interactions are fostered by seminar series and scientific conferences. Since 2006 the Collegio has hosted hundreds of international speakers, including Nobel laureates, and leaders of financial institutions.

The Collegio coordinates the "Allievi" Honors Program, organizes four Master’s degree programs (Economics, Finance, Insurance & Risk Management, Public Policy & Social Change), and hosts two doctoral programs of the University of Turin. English is the official operating language of the Collegio.

Europe : Italie
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Autre institut de recherche ou laboratoire d'idées, Université

Appels expirés

Aucun appel expiré disponible pour cette institution.