Fondation Fiat Panis

The Fiat Panis Foundation (Germany) makes awards for university thesis and dissertation research in themes of agriculture and natural resources, with a focus on food security in developing countries.

  • The Justus von Liebig Award for World Food is €30 thousand.  The award honors individuals who have made preeminent contributions to improving world food supply, the mitigation of malnourishment, and the improvement of rural livelihoods while protecting natural resources.
  • The Hans Hartwig Ruthenberg Graduate Award is €7.5 thousand.  The award is given for outstanding diploma and masters research on problems of food security in developing regions.  Up to three awards may be offered (splitting the prize). 
Europe : Allemagne
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Fondation privée, caritative ou d'entreprise

Appels en cours

Aucun appel en cours disponible pour cette institution.