International Research Center for Japanese Studies

The International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken) was founded in 1987 to pursue international, interdisciplinary, and comprehensive research on Japanese culture and to provide research cooperation and support for Japanese studies scholars around the world.


  • Research themes are established from an international perspective, enlisting the participation of numerous scholars from Japan and abroad. Interdisciplinary team research is the Center’s fundamental mode of scholarship.
  • Team research is organized and conducted in a flexible manner, working within the guidelines established by the Research Spheres and Research Foci established at Nichibunken.
  • Nichibunken performs the role of resource center, providing information and bibliographical assistance to scholars and research institutions engaged in Japanese studies around the world, and offers research cooperation as needed.
  • The results of research at Nichibunken are made widely available for the benefit of international society through books, scholarly periodicals, lectures, symposiums, and other means.
  • Nichibunken is the institutional home of the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sōkendai) Department of Japanese Studies. The Department offers graduate instruction and guidance toward the Ph. D. degree. The Center provides orientation and guidance on Japanese studies for Japanese and foreign graduate students who are affiliated with other educational institutions.
Asie : Japon
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Autre institut de recherche ou laboratoire d'idées

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