Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et des technologies (Indonesie) (RISTEKDIKTI)

Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia is a government ministry that has the task of conducting affairs in the field of research, science and technology in the government to assist the President of Indonesia in carrying out state. The ministry was formerly known as the National Research Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Formulate and establish of policies in the field of research and technology
- Coordinate and synchronise of policies in the field of research and technology
- Manage of property / wealth of the country are the responsibility of the Ministry of Research and Technology
- Oversight of the implementation of the tasks of the Ministry of Research and Technology
In formulating the main directions and priorities of development of science and technology as well as the preparation of a strategic policy of national science and technology development, the Ministry of Research and Technology supported by the National Research Council (DRN).
Asie : Indonésie
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Organisme public de coordination ou de financement de la recherche