Secrétariat Général pour la Recherche et la Technologie (Grèce) (GRST)

GSRT is the main body responsible for setting research policy priorities and is major direct funder of R&D. Since November 2009 is subject to the Ministry of Education. Moreover, GSRT is responsible for the detailed design, planning, implementation and monitoring of policy interventions (measures, programmes, etc). More analytically its mission is to:
- Increase the demand for new knowledge and research results in Greece for the public and private sector;
- Reorganize the research system in Greece by reorienting the priorities of the research organisations supervised GSRT towards economic and social development;
- Increase the extroversion of the Greek research system further by increasing the collaborations of PRO’s and businesses with organisations from abroad;
- Develop Science and Technological infrastructure; and
- Set thematic priorities for funding based on the needs and structure of the Greek economy, the needs of society and global S&T perspectives.
The key activities of GSRT are to:
- Support research activities in public research centres and private enteprises;
- Fund technology transfer activities and mechanisms;
- Contribute to the reinforcement of the country’s research manpower;
- Represent Greece in relevant institutions of the European Union;
- Promote cooperation with other countries and international organisations on research and technology issues;
- Establish new institutes and technological centres to support sectors of high priority for the development of the Greek economy;
- Supervise a number of research and technological centres;
- Support the dissemination of research and technology information throughout the country and internationally by means of advanced ΙΤ systems and networks;
- Encourage activities aimed at raising awareness of the general public about science and society issues;
- Advise regional authorities on R&D issues; and
- Recommend legislative interventions regarding research and research policy to the Ministry of Development.
Europe : Grèce
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Organisme public de coordination ou de financement de la recherche