Gerda Henkel General Research Grants: Projects

Type and scope of the funding
The grants for research projects involve, depending on the type of project, the assumption of costs for personnel, travel, materials and/or other costs.
Applicants must be actively involved in the research work underpinning the project. Project staff on research projects may only be financed by PhD or research grants. A fundamental prerequisite for a grant is that project staff conduct their own research, which is published under their name. The simultaneous receipt of salary or retirement pension and a research scholarship is not possible.
Application Documents
From now on, it is only possible to apply electronically for the general research grants. The necessary application documents can be uploaded in the electronic application form.
The following documents must be included in an application for a research project (in German or English):
- description of the research proposal (max. 8 pages)
- plus bibliography if necessary (in addition to the max. 8 pages)
- at least font size 11 and line spacing 1.5
- please choose a readable font, e.g. Arial 11 pt. or Times New Roman 12 pt.
- time schedule, travel itinerary (if needed)
- detailed cost calculation
- specific funds being applied for must be precisely defined. Please indicate all costs in euros.
- scholarships and possible allowances must be listed in the cost plan. Please note our fixed monthly rates
- no salaries for project staff
- no college or tuition fees
- no overhead costs
- curriculum vitae and list of publications of the applicant(s)
(We would ask that these are given only for the person(s) who are the applicant(s). The number of applicants stated should only in justified special cases exceed three persons. Additional associated scholars can be named in the application documents.)
- if needed, curriculum vitae and list of publications of the proposed project participant(s)
- if needed, academic certificates of the project participant(s) (Masters, PhD, professorship, etc.; please do not send Bachelor certificates)
(We would ask that only those project staff members be mentioned in the application form for whom you are applying for grants / stipends. Other participants in the project can be named in the application documents.)
Please note the stated criteria for the award of research stipends under the terms of the General Research Grants as these also apply for staff members of research projects.
If also a scholarship for the applicant is planned:
- one letter of recommendation
- signed personally by the author
- upload via the online recommendation form
- possibility to submit more than one letter of recommendation
(Please note that the Gerda Henkel Foundation will not contact any referees and the applicants are responsible for requesting the letters of recommendation themselves.)
- academic certificates of the applicant (Masters, PhD, professorship, etc.; please do not send Bachelor certificates)
Please do not additionally send the documents by email or postal mail.