School of Transnational Governance (STG)


The EUI School of Transnational Governance (STG) delivers teaching and high-level training in the methods, knowledge, skills and practice of governance beyond the State. Based within the European University Institute in Florence, the School brings the worlds of academia and policy-making together in an effort to navigate a context, both inside and outside Europe, where policy-making increasingly transcends national borders.

We offer Executive Training Seminars for experienced professionals and a Policy Leaders Fellowship for early- and mid-career innovators. We also host expert Policy Dialogues and are conducting an Oral History project to record the experiences of European Institution presidents.

In 2020, we will launch a policy-focussed Master's programme for graduates. The programme will be structured around cross-disciplinary clusters in various policy fields. 

The Thematic Clusters

The School of Transnational Governance develops its teaching and training in line with its core themes.

The on-going series of High-Level Policy Dialogues, the Executive Training Seminars and the upcoming Master in Transnational Governance are based on the study and analysis of three core thematic clusters: Peace and Security; International Trade and Finance Cluster; Sustainability (Climate, Migration, Welfare). The core thematic clusters are complemented with four cross-cutting thematic clusters, providing an additional layer of thematic or geographical reach: Comparative Regional Governance; Gender Governance; Digital Politics, Economy and Societies; and Transnational Politics and Democracy.

The STG acknowledges the generous support of the European Commission’s Erasmus + programme and the guidance of the EUI President and high-level group led by Mario Monti.

Europe : Italie
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Université

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