Centre for Ethics (C4E)

The Centre for Ethics at the University of Toronto, where conversations about ethics happen, sits at the interface between academic research and public discourse. An interdisciplinary centre aimed at advancing research and teaching in the field of ethics, broadly defined, C4E seeks to bring together the theoretical and practical knowledge of diverse scholars, students, public servants and social leaders in order to increase understanding of the ethical dimensions of individual, social, and political life.
Members of the public are warmly invited to attend the Centre’s public events to join and shape conversations about ethical aspects of topical issues, from assisted suicide to electoral reform, from the ethics of immigration to the policing of sexual morality, from ethics in the work and life of Leonard Cohen to the ethics of artificial intelligence.
The Centre community includes faculty associates and graduate associates drawn from a host of disciplines, including anthropology, bioethics, classics, comparative literature, computer science, education, English, history, information studies, law, management, medicine, near and middle eastern civilizations, philosophy, political science, psychology, public health, and religion, along with resident faculty, postdoctoral, and student fellows. The Centre’s Ethics of AI Lab brings together a similarly diverse group of faculty and student affiliates and research fellows.
The Centre’s program activities and events include:
- A Fellows Program, which includes Visiting Faculty Fellows, Post-Doctoral Fellows, Doctoral Fellows, and Undergraduate Fellows
- Public Lectures
- Conferences
- Workshop Series
- Work-in-Progress Events
- Book Forums
- Public Issues Forums
- Flash Events
- Reading Groups
- Film Series
- Ethics of AI Lab
- C4eJournal: Perspectives on Ethics
- C4eRadio: Sounds of Ethics
- Undergraduate and Graduate Courses
Further information on upcoming events is available here. Most of our events are open to the general public as well as to members of the University of Toronto community. To stay informed about what’s happening at the Centre, sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media (Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Eventbrite).
See you at the Centre!