Le programme est actuellement terminé (seule la gestion des projets financés se poursuit jusqu'au 31/08/2025).
In order to promote the mobility of researchers* to Belgium, the SPW research has set up a new mechanism to financetheir reception in Wallonia/Wallonia-Brussels Federation: the programme"BEWARE Fellowships 2".
"BEWARE Fellowships 2" aims to attract 75 qualified researchers to the Walloon companies where they will spend half of their stay while the other half will be at a university, a university college or a research centre.
The mandate covers the salary, a mobility allowance and operating costs.
The first "BEWARE Fellowships 2" call is now closed.
The second call is now open and will close on the 16th October 2020.
Proposals are to be submitted online at noon (Brussels time).
The BEWARE Fellowships 2 program (for BElgian WAllonia REsearcher) is cofunded by the Marie Actions Skłodowska-Curie of the European Commission (COFUND - contract 847587).