East-Asia Institute (EAI)


The EAI was established as an independent think-tank dedicated to developing ideas and formulating policy recommendations on the main challenges facing the region. Through hosting scholarly seminars, forums, education program and various publications it can achieve these aims in creating influential products. The EAI is conducting research activities along with two main programs, the Foreign Affairs and Security Program and the Governance Research Program, which are conducted by the five research centers. Also through the utilization of the research task force team, the EAI addresses imminent and critical issues. In this way by working together with recognized scholars and leading policymakers, the EAI is at the center of producing research outcomes reflecting innovation and influential policy debate. As one of the leading think-tanks in Korea, the EAI is fulfilling the way in forming a true knowledge-net community in Northeast Asia by setting up a system of joint research and scholarly exchanges in the U.S., China, and Taiwan as well as many other countries. 

The EAI publishes its ideas and thinking through the media and its own publications including the Journal of East Asian Studies, working papers, issue briefings and published books. It also hosts international conferences, forums and seminars to enable the discussion and debate amongst scholars and experts in various fields in order to produce more efficient strategies and policy alternatives on the main issues and challenges in the region. 

Asie : Corée du Sud
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Autre institut de recherche ou laboratoire d'idées

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