Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)

With around 30,000 members from science, business and the liberal professions, the GDCh represents a large, professionally and socially relevant community. Our 150-year history, our global network and our high scientific and social standards form the basis for our creative work in the interests of a sustainable, livable world.
Chemistry needs reputation and promotion. Their use and their general significance for our modern life and sustainable development are particularly underestimated by the general public. Our ambition is to change this - by giving chemistry the recognition it deserves and giving it room to develop.
To This End
- we promote scientific work, research and teaching while maintaining the highest standards of quality and integrity as well as the exchange and dissemination of scientific knowledge,
- we support the creation of networks, transdisciplinary and international cooperation and the continuous development of education and training in schools, universities and in the professional environment,
- we are looking for an intensive and constructive dialogue with the public to strengthen the understanding of chemistry and chemical interrelationships,
- we actively and sustainably contribute our expertise to science, politics and society through open communication and trusting cooperation with our partners,
- we act independently, continuously and with lasting effect, integrated into the international community of natural scientists, for the good of society, taking into account the expectations of future generations.
We welcome chemists of all nationalities. We are aware of our responsibility as scientists and are therefore committed to our code of conduct, which is part of our statutes.