Oxford Martin School

University of Oxford



No other university in the world hosts a research organisation like the Oxford Martin School.

Humanity stands at a crossroads; the sheer speed of change across sectors and systems, including technology, population, health and climate, means that we now have the power to destroy possibilities for future generations. Equally, we have the potential to dramatically improve the wellbeing of people across the planet.

It is this combination of urgency and optimism that characterises all our work at the Oxford Martin School.

Our academics work across more than 30 solutions-focused, pioneering research programmes that cut across disciplines to find solutions to the world's most urgent challenges. From renewable energy to ocean sustainability, and from the future of work to tackling inequality, we foster ground-breaking collaborations between researchers working at the frontiers of knowledge. The unifying theme is that the research must be of the highest academic calibre, tackle issues of global significance, and could not have been undertaken without our support.

Underpinning all our research is the need to translate academic excellence into real-world impact, from innovations in science, medicine and technology, through to expert advice and policy recommendations.

Read our brochure

Europe : Royaume-uni
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Université

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