Scientific Advisory Board Call for Research Projects

Internal Calls


21 February 2025 - Call for Proposals 2025 - Scientific Advisory Board 

Sciences Po is announcing its annual internal call for research proposals for 2025 in order to finance specific and innovative research projects presented by the tenure-track and tenured faculty of Sciences Po. 

This funding is to fund research activities as such and do not provide fundingin the form of “seed money”. The projects are supposed to be collective or individual projects conducted by one or more members of the Sciences Po Faculty. Participation of external partners is allowed, but it should be funded by their own resources.

These proposals may cover a period of up to three years and may not exceed a total budget of €45,000
The proposals will be reviewed by an international jury, the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), which will meet in the Spring of 2025.

More information - Application form


Date de candidature
Up to 3 years
Sciences sociales