CALL FOR NOMINATIONS┋Visiting researcher grant in research into the Holocaust, victims of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism


The Swedish Research Council’s visiting researcher grant aims to give higher education institutions and other research organisations the opportunity to develop and strengthen a research field by recruiting an internationally prominent researcher during a short period.

Subject area: Humanities and Social Sciences

Support form: Research environment and collaboration support

Grant form: Visiting researcher grant

Focus: The Holocaust, victims of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism

Applicant: Organisation applicants only. One representative of the host organisation shall be invited to be the project leader for the application.

Participating researchers: No other researchers may be invited to join the application.

Grant period: 3-12 months

Grant amount: Maximum 160 000 SEK per month for the visit

Start of grant period: January 2026

Application period: 15 January 2025 (14.00/2 pm) – 18 February 2025 (14.00/2 pm)

Publication of grant award: No later than the end of September 2025

Requirements and terms

Conducting ethical research

Publishing open access

Producing a data management plan

Sex and gender dimensions

Terms and conditions for our grants

Previously approved grants


Questions about the application: Telephone hours are weekdays excluding public holidays, 9.00–16.00 while the call is open.

Specific instructions for the call

In addition to reading the call text, you also need to consult our Guide for applicants.

Application procedure

In order for a person to access the call and start the application process, they have to be authorised to create organisation applications on the organisation’s Prisma account. If this is not the same person who will be the project leader and responsible for completing the application, the project leader must be invited to the application once the process has been started (see under the heading “Applicant” below, and under the tab “Participants” in the application form).

Requirements for applicants

The following requirements must be fulfilled in order for the organisation to be eligible to apply for the grant. We carry out checks, and reject applications that do not fulfil the requirements.

Focus and nominated visiting researcher

The researcher nominated for the visiting researcher grant shall be an internationally prominent researcher within the field of the Holocaust, victims of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism.

The researcher nominated must not already be established in Sweden. The researcher must also be aware that they are being nominated, and also what acceptance of the nomination entails. If the proposed researcher declines to accept, the higher education institution (HEI) cannot propose a replacement.

The visiting researcher is expected to take part in the department’s research and contribute to strengthening the existing research environment.

The visiting researcher awarded the grant shall be employed by the administrating organisation throughout the visit.


The applicant for the grant must be a Swedish HEI or another Swedish organisation that has been approved as an administrating organisation for grants from the Swedish Research Council.

The application with a nominated visiting researcher shall include a named representative (project leader) of the department wishing to act as host for the visiting researcher. The project leader shall be employed by the administrating organisation at the start of and throughout the grant period and any further availability period.

When the application is registered and signed in Prisma (see below), the HEI and the nominating department undertake to be responsible for the local hosting and practical arrangements associated with the visiting researcher’s visit to Sweden, if the application is approved.

Number of applications and previous grants

General information about overlaps between applications and grants

The application must not cover costs for purposes that are already funded by the Swedish Research Council or any other funding body. Overlaps with other grants or applications may impact on the grant amount awarded, or be a reason for us to reject the application.

There is no limit to the number of applications a single HEI may submit or participate in, but a single researcher may only be nominated in one application.

Participating researchers

No participating researchers may be included in this application.

Costs and grant amounts

Funding may be applied for to cover salary costs in Sweden including social security contributions and insurance, rent of housing in Sweden, and travel between Sweden and the home country. The funding may also include travel costs for accompanying family members. The maximum amount you may apply for is 160 000 SEK per month for a stay of 3 to 12 months, and the total maximum is 1 920 000 SEK, including indirect costs.

The grant amount includes cover of indirect costs as a percentage of the direct costs, according to the model used by the administrating organisation. Grants must not be used for scholarships.

The Swedish Research Council assumes that the administrating organisation will cover any costs in excess of the amount received.

Grant period

The grant may cover a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12 months, starting in January 2026. The first payment will be made during January 2026 at the earliest.

The visit may be divided up into more than one period, but if so, this shall be clearly stated and also justified in the application. The visit may, however, not be divided up in such a way that it cannot be completed within the availability period of the grant, which is 12 months over and above the grant period applied for.

What must the application contain?

Please refer to the application form in Prisma in parallel with reading the instructions below, which describe the call-specific contents of the application. More information on what to do in practical terms is available in our Guide for applicants .

You may write your application in Swedish or English.

The information we request under each tab in the application form is described below.

Descriptive information

Under this tab, in addition to what is asked for below, please also state the proposed visiting researcher’s name, current HEI and country as the project title (such as “Anna Smith, University of XX, USA”), and project period (the length of the visit in number of months).


The abstract shall include a brief description of the following:

  • name, university and country of the nominated visiting researcher
  • time (dates) for the visit
  • brief justification for the visit
  • planned research programme.

The abstract shall provide a summary picture of the visiting researcher’s stay. Please use wording to ensure persons with another subject specialisation can understand the information.

The description may cover a maximum of 1 500 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately one third of an A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.

Research description

Research programme

The research programme shall consist of brief but complete information about the nomination. It may cover a maximum of 8 page-numbered A4 pages in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing and 2.5 cm margins, including references (hyperlinks must not be used) and any images.

The research programme must include the following headings and information, listed in the following order:

  • The researcher and their research: Present the proposed visiting researcher and their research.
  • Justification: Justify the visiting researcher’s visit.
  • Contribution to research: Describe how the visiting researcher may contribute to Swedish research within the area in question.
  • Plan for department participation: Specify the planning of the visiting researcher’s participation at the host department and other departments in Sweden.

Proposed visiting researcher

Please state the following:

  • the name, title, current position and workplace of the nominated visiting researcher
  • the competence the researcher is expected to bring to the host department
  • the length of the visit, and whether it is divided up and, if so, how
  • the department(s) or corresponding where the visiting researcher will be active, and the name of the representative (head of department or corresponding) of the department(s)

The nominated visiting researcher’s CV and publication list

Please attach a brief CV with full address details (including email address) and current position title of the nominated researcher. Please also attach a publication list, divided up under the headings Peer-reviewed articles, Other articles and Books.

Please also note that no CV data or publications shall be entered elsewhere in the application

Budget and research resources


Please state the salary applied for, for the nominated visiting researcher (select the role “Participating researcher” in the table), both as a percentage of a full-time salary and as actual annual amounts (including social security contributions). Please state the amounts in Swedish krona, rounded to the nearest 1 000 SEK.

Running costs

List the proposed visiting researcher’s costs for rent of housing, insurance, and travel between Sweden and the home country on separate lines. Please state annual amounts in Swedish krona, rounded to the nearest 1 000 SEK.

Total cost of the visiting researcher

Prisma will automatically add up your budget items listed in a table. The total amount applied for shall also include indirect costs. These shall be added to the table by the applicant (project leader). Here the applicant (project leader) can also add any additional costs that the visiting researcher entails (for which you are not seeking funding under this call).

Justification of the budget applied for

Justify briefly each cost applied for in the budget stated. The description may cover a maximum of 4 000 characters including blank spaces. This is approximately one A4 page in Arial, font size 11, single line spacing.

Administrating organisation

Please state the site of the visiting researcher’s stay.


Here the person invited to be the project leader for the application may invite participating administrators. Please note that participating researchers may not be invited in this application.

How your application is assessed

Scientific quality is the fundamental criterion when the Swedish Research Council allocates grants to research. Your application is evaluated in competition with the other applications on the basis of the following evaluation criteria.

Evaluation process

Your application for Visiting researcher grant in research into the Holocaust, victims of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism is evaluated by a review panel where the members are Swedish researchers.

At least three members review and grade your application individually. If the right competence is missing within the panel, an external reviewer will also assess your application. The entire review panel then meets at a review panel meeting to discuss and prioritise the applications, and to make a proposal for a decision to the Scientific Council for Humanities and Social Sciences.

Review panels

Following the grant decision your application will receive an individual final statement containing the grades and a summary of the review panel’s discussion and overall assessment of the scientific quality of the application.

Here you will find a more comprehensive description of the Swedish Research Council's assessment of applications.

Evaluation criteria and guiding questions

The evaluation of the applications to Visiting researcher grant in research into the Holocaust, victims of the Holocaust and anti-Semitism consider the proposed visiting researcher’s scientific merits and international position together with the relevance for the call regarding how well the visiting researcher can contribute to the development of both the host institution’s activities and Swedish research in general in the relevant field.

The evaluation of the visiting researcher’s scientific merits and international position, and relevance for the call, are assessed on a seven-grade scale.

For each criterion, there are guiding questions to support the panel members’ evaluation of your application. These can also function as guidance for you when you write your application.

Scientific merits and position internationally of the visiting researcher (1–7)

Guiding questions:

  • How strong are the nominee’s scholarly/scientific merits?
  • How strong is the nominee’s position internationally?

Relevance for the call (1–7)

The motivation for the stay, especially how well the researcher can contribute to the development of the host institution’s activities and Swedish research in general in the relevant field.

Guiding questions:

  • To what extent does the project promote the development of research in the area of the call?
  • How well motivated is the nominee’s stay?
  • How well worked-out is the plan for the nominated researcher’s participation at the host institution and other institutions in the country? To what extent can the nominated researcher contribute to the development of the host institution’s activities?
  • To what extent can the nominated researcher contribute to the development of Swedish research in general within the field in question?

Apply via Prisma

Date de candidature
3-12 months
Humanités : Histoire, Littérature, Philosophie, théologie et religion