Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies

Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Université Harvard

Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies

The Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies is dedicated to increasing our knowledge of the culture, history, and institutions of the world’s major regions and countries. The Harvard Academy was founded in 1986 on the initiative of Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Henry Rosovsky, who served as its Chairman until 1996 when Samuel Huntington succeeded him. Jorge I. Domínguez became the third Harvard Academy Chairman in July 2004.

The Harvard Academy is housed at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs and responds to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS).

It is based on the premise that knowledge and understanding of other countries and cultures require a combination of rigorous disciplinary skill and deep area expertise. The Academy Scholars Program identifies and trains social scientists in area studies, focusing on non-Western areas of the world.

Academy Scholars are supported by the Harvard Academy to undertake research and writing for two years at Harvard University. Each year the Harvard Academy receives over 500 applications for scholarships and selects four to six for two years in residence as Academy Scholars. They receive substantial stipends and support for their research and writing at Harvard. The Harvard Academy also undertakes research projects, supports faculty research, organizes seminars and conferences, and sponsors publications on international themes.

Amérique : États-Unis (Nouvelle-Angleterre)
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Université

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