Research Fellowships on Asian Studies at ARI Singapore

All positions are for outstanding, active researchers from around the world, to work on an important piece of Asia-related research in the social sciences or humanities.
Applicants should only apply for ONE of the four types of position (i.e. Senior Research Fellow, Research Fellow, Postdoctoral Fellow, or Visiting Senior Research Fellow). Apart from the quality of the research proposal, the applicant’s track record and supporting references, positions will be awarded on the basis of the relationship of the research topic to the identified priorities and themes of ARI’s research clusters as listed in Research Clusters and Their Focus.
Applicants need to indicate the particular Research Cluster(s) to which they are applying. In cases where there may be overlapping research interests, you may nominate up to a maximum of 2 clusters.
During their term at ARI, recipients are expected to submit a working paper (not more than 10,000 words) to the ARI Working Paper Series. Candidates are also required to deliver research seminar(s), contribute to cluster activities, and to acknowledge ARI in any publications arising from work undertaken at the Institute.
Application process
Interested scholars are invited to email their applications, consisting of:
- A completed application form. Please ensure to complete all sections of the form and submit it to us in MS Word or equivalent editable format. If a section is not applicable to your application, please state ‘NA’.
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Synopsis of the proposed research project (maximum of 8-10 single-spaced pages);
- At least one short sample of published work, preferably in English.
- It is primarily your responsibility to ensure that two letters of reference are sent to us in confidence via email reporting on your academic standing, potential and proposed research by 3 September 2019.
- Reference letters must clearly state your name, position and the cluster(s) that you have applied for.
- Closing date for applications is 3 September 2019. You may wish to check with your referees that they have submitted their references before the closing date.
Additional application information
- Please note that only fully completed applications will be considered (including submission of the two letters of reference).
- Please keep your email and attachments below 10MB by zipping any large files. Files larger than 10MB may be rejected by our email system.
- As we receive a high volume of applications, we strongly encourage you to apply well before the closing date.
- The appointment is conditional on approval by the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Ministry of Manpower granting you an Employment Pass or other applicable work passes.
- We regret that only successful candidates will be notified (via email). Candidates who do not hear from the University within 10 weeks after the closing date may assume the position has been filled.
- Submissions of applications, reference letters and/or queries are to be sent via email to
- For further information, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Senior Research Fellowships/Research Fellowships
You will work under the supervision of the Cluster Leader and take the lead in duties such as organising workshops and conferences, applying for grant funding, participating in current cluster projects, and carrying out new projects. Administrative duties and committee work may be assigned to you from time to time.
- Applicants must have a PhD from a reputable university, and a developing publication record, preferably in the English Language.
- Only candidates with more than 5 years of research experience after their PhD may apply for a Senior Research Fellowship position.
- The appointment will be tenable for a period of two years in the first instance, with the possibility of another term of two years based upon satisfactory evaluation and available funding (i.e. up to a total of four years).
- Applications are invited for commencement in June/July 2020 or December 2020/January 2021
- The Senior Research Fellowship comes with a competitive remuneration package from S$6,000 per month, from which university subsidized housing will be deducted.
- The Research Fellowship remuneration is from S$5,500 per month. This all-in sum is inclusive of stipends for housing and living expenses. Please note that University Housing will not be provided and appointees are expected to make their own private accommodation arrangements.
- Travel assistance will be provided to eligible candidates.
- Singapore citizens and permanent residents are eligible for provident fund benefits.
- All salary and benefits-in-kind are subjected to taxation in accordance with local tax laws.
- There is support for research fieldwork and conference attendance (on application and subject to approval).
- Research staff at ARI are expected to participate actively in the life of the Institute, including attendance at seminars, conferences and ARI social events.
- Other benefits that the University provides and information about working at NUS and living in Singapore are available on our website. Terms and conditions, according to university guidelines, are subject to change without prior notice.
Postdoctoral Fellowships
You will work under the supervision of the Cluster Leader and shall carry out duties including: organising workshops and conferences, applying for grant funding, participating in current cluster projects, and carrying out new projects. Administrative duties and committee work may be assigned to you from time to time.
- Candidates must have fulfilled all requirements of securing a PhD from a reputable university at the time they take up their appointment at ARI.
- If you are still a PhD candidate at the point of application, you may also apply provided that you are confirmed for graduation by your commencement date at ARI. An official letter from the Registrar’s Office of your university will be required to confirm the award of your PhD degree.
- The appointment will be tenable for a period of two years only.
- Applications are invited for commencement in June/July 2020 or December 2020/January 2021
- PDFs receive an all-inclusive, fixed monthly salary of S$5,500. This all-in sum is inclusive of stipends for housing and living expenses.
- A one-off travel assistance grant of S$2,000 will be provided to eligible candidates.
- Singapore citizens and permanent residents are eligible for provident fund benefits.
- All salary and benefits-in-kind are subjected to taxation in accordance with local tax laws.
- Please note that University Housing will not be provided and appointees will have to make their own accommodation arrangements..
- There is support for research fieldwork and conference attendance (on application and subject to approval). .
- Candidates must have been awarded their PhD within the last 2 years.
- Research staff at ARI are expected to participate actively in the life of the Institute, including attendance at seminars, conferences and ARI social events.
- Other benefits that the University provides and other information about working at NUS and living in Singapore are available on our website. Terms and conditions, according to university guidelines, are subject to change without prior notice.
Visiting Senior Research Fellowships (VSRFs)
Visiting Senior Research Fellow appointments are intended to bring world class scholars to ARI to collaborate with and mentor our early career researchers and support the work of our research clusters, as well as to take forward their own projects. Those with interdisciplinary interests are particularly encouraged to apply.
- Candidates must be senior scholars with extensive research experience and a strong publication record in the field.
- Positions are for a 3-month term..
- Applications for Visiting Senior Research Fellowships are invited for commencement in April 2020, July 2020 or October 2020.
- Visiting Senior Research Fellows will be provided with a monthly honorarium of S$6000, from which they will pay for university subsidized housing. The honorarium will be subjected to taxation in accordance with local tax laws.
- Medical benefits and travel assistance will be provided.
- Visiting staff at ARI are expected to participate actively in the life of the Institute, including attendance at seminars, conferences and ARI social events.
- You will be required to give seminar(s) and submit one working paper to the ARI Working Paper Series for academic review. You are also required to acknowledge ARI in all your publications resulting from the period you are at the Institute.I.
- Leave benefits will not be provided as ARI prefers that VSRFs’ time is spent at the Institute to maximize the opportunities for interaction..
- Visiting staff will be provided with access to the libraries at NUS and working space, subject to availability.