f.k.a. LabEx Arts et Médiations Humaines (Arts-H2H)

Supported by the ComUE, « l’EUR » (graduate school) will succeed to the Arts-H2H starting July 2018. ArTeC’s mission is to promote and articulate research projects and emerging teaching apparatus (graduate school level) in relation to the Arts, Technology, Digital devices, Human Mediation and Creations.

ArTeC’s aim is to help develop collaborations between our partner institutions while supporting and soliciting projects based on poignant correlations between :

  • Research and graduate studies (master program, PhD)
  • Artistic creation, cognition and digital technologies, humanities, engineering, design and social sciences
  • University Campuses, Cultural Institutions, Associative Activism and Private Partnerships
Europe : France (Paris Île-de-France)
Institution type
French Institutions : University

Calls in progress