Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Fellows Program in Taiwan

The 2025 Postdoctoral Scholar Program is accepting the second round of applications from January 16 to March 3 17:00, 2025. All applications should be submitted and processed online. For more information, please refer to the Academic Service and Management System (
Applicants with Ph.D. degrees conferred after July 1, 2020 are eligible to apply. The appointment period shall be on an annual basis and cannot extend past six years after the applicant has obtained the Ph. D. degree. If applicants cannot obtain their Ph.D certificate before the application deadline, they should upload a letter of verification from their supervisor stating that the certificate will be obtained before (July 1, 2025) the appointment starts.
Following the completion of their Ph.D. degrees, applicants may defer the period for two years for each childbirth or parental leave; applicants may defer the period in accordance with the duration of military service with relevant documents submitted as proof.
The appointment period for the second round of the Program is from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2027 (for applicants with Ph.D. degrees conferred before July 1, 2021, the appointment ends on June 30, 2026).
All applications must include a proposal stating research goals and significance, literature review, methodology, and anticipated outcomes. Peer review outcomes may be adversely influenced by proposals lacking such details. Approved Postdoctoral Scholars may be appointed as Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Scholars or Regular Postdoctoral Scholars according to the review results.
Applicants must confirm that all required documents (including recommendation letters) have been submitted online by the Sponsoring Mentor before the deadline, or else applicants’ applications will not be processed.
The Postdoctoral Scholars’ rights and responsibilities are documented in regulations regarding contract-based employees stipulated by the Academia Sinica Personnel Office. Their duties also include carrying out research projects in accordance with the Sponsoring Mentor’s instructions, and host units may enact regulations based on the special needs of their fields. In addition, Postdoctoral Scholars are required to sign a work contract and a declaration stating that they are not spouses or relatives within the third degree of kinship by blood or marriage of the heads of the employing unit, institute, or Sponsoring Mentor.
Files for Download:
Information for Postdoctoral Scholar Applicants
Postdoctoral Scholar Program Online Application Guide
Declaration Form
Recommendation Form
Sponsoring Mentor’s Letter of Sponsorship
List of Research Projects
List of Recruited Postdoctoral Scholars
Contact Information:
Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences: Ms. Tseng (Tel: 02-2789-9386)
Division of Life Sciences: Ms. Chien (Tel: 02-2789-9676)
Division of Humanities and Social Sciences: Mr. Lin (Tel: 02-2787-2718)