France > Proche-Orient┋Séjours de recherche postdoctoraux

The Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (FMSH) and the Institut Français du Proche-Orient (IFPO) offer post-doctoral fellows residing in France, a mobility grant to carry out a 2-month research stay in the Middle East (Lebanon, Jordan, Palestinian Territories, Iraqi Kurdistan).
Priority will be given to research projects that are in line with IPFO's scientific policy, in synergy with its researchers or partners in the Middle East. Interdisciplinary projects are welcome.
This call is part of the Atlas programme for short-term postdoctoral mobility launched by the FMSH and its partners.
Financial terms and conditions
A financial aid of 1 700 € per month of stay is attributed to the laureates. It is intended to cover transportation and living expenses.
Eligibility criteria
be a citizen of a European Union country and reside in France
be a post-doctoral student in SHS and have defended his/her thesis at the earliest in 2018. Be associated with a research center / laboratory in France.
be engaged in research in the humanities and social sciences.
fluency in English or Arabic depending on the proposed research topic.
Obligations of the researchers hosted at IFPO
It is expected that the researchers in mobility at IFPO participate in the scientific activities (conferences, colloquia, seminars, etc.) of the center.
During their stay, they are required to reside in one of the regions covered by its mandate: Lebanon, Jordan, Palestinian Territories, Iraqi Kurdistan.
In Beirut (Lebanon) and Amman (Jordan), accommodation in single or shared rooms is available at IFPO at student rates. However, IFPO does not have accommodation in Jerusalem (Palestinian Territories) and Erbil (Iraqi Kurdistan).
Candidates are required to submit to IFPO and FMSH within one month of the end of their stay a report of between 10,000 and 20,000 characters (including spaces and notes) presenting the activities carried out during their stay.
Furthermore, at the end of their stay, candidates will also be asked to provide a scientific bill, the terms of which will be discussed with IFPO management.
Application form
Applicants must submit a form and a scientific file (research project + annexes) on an online platform, accessible from January 15, 2024. Complete applications must be uploaded on the online platform no later than 18 March 2024, 17:00 (Paris time).
The application form and the scientific file must be submitted in French.
Content of the scientific file
Research proposal:
The research project (between 10,000 and 20,000 signs maximum, including spaces and notes) must include precisely the steps that the candidate thinks he/she will accomplish during his/her stay, the theoretical and methodological framework, as well as the institutional partners likely to be involved in the research.
- A signed letter of motivation, stating the reasons for the stay at IFPO and the local scientific partners of interest for the research project.
- A CV of maximum 2 pages with a list of publications
- A letter from the director of the laboratory / research center with which the candidate is associated in France
How to apply?
1. Go to and enter the Researcher Workspace
2. Log in if you have already created an account, if not, create an account
3. Fill in your profile and click on "create a new application
4. Select " Atlas outgoing 2024 program " then the specific call " FMSH-IFPO : France > Near East ".
5. Fill in all the tabs of the form
6. In the "Documents" tab, upload a single electronic document in pdf format containing the following documents
- Research project
- Signed letter of motivation
- CV of maximum 2 pages and list of publications
- Letter from the director of the laboratory / research center with which the candidate is associated in France
7. You can save your application without submitting it and come back to it later, or you can submit it permanently. Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an automatic confirmation email. Please note that if your application is not submitted it will not be considered. Applications that are incomplete or do not match the description above will not be considered.
For any information on the platform, or in case of difficulty in using it, contact
Selection criteria and process
A selection committee composed of members of the FMSH, the IFPO and external experts will analyze and select the applications based on the following elements
- The quality of the scientific file and the methodology developed
- The relevance of a stay in the Middle East with respect to the project developed and the researcher's background
- The ability to identify scientific contacts on site
Hind Ben Fares
Myriam Catusse
Opening of the call
January 15th, 2024
Closing of the call
March 18, 2024 at 5:00 pm (Paris time)
Analysis of applications
April 2024
Announcement of results
May 2024
Duration of the mobility stays
2 months
Period of the stay
from May to December 2024. The stay must take place during the year 2024 (note that the months of July and August are strongly discouraged due to the heat and the closure of most academic institutions)
Number of months/researchers available on this call