HORIZON EUROPE┋Methodologies for teamworking of researchers – reinforcing transversal collaborative skills, behavioural and implementation sciences

Expected Outcome
Projects should deliver results that are directed towards and contributing to all of the following expected outcomes:
- Map, evaluate and develop elements for promoting teamwork in researchers’ curricula and professional updating, including for enhancing careers and jobs paths.
- Produce evidence on the impacts of teamwork, outreach activities, communication and dissemination skills for systemic thinking and researchers/stakeholders’ relationships and their connection with wider society.
- Provide collaborative, participatory and co-creative methodologies to include behavioural and implementation sciences for improving teamwork among researchers.
- Produce recommendations and toolkits for Universities and research Institutions on how to enhance teamwork, co-creation and teambuilding to tackle global challenges and produce changes in societies.
As acknowledged by UNESCO, ‘Transversal skills are increasingly in high demand for learners to successfully adapt to changes and to lead meaningful and productive lives.’
To maximise impact and incite societal changes, the following elements should be considered:
- to further develop, promote and demonstrate methodologies that transfer relevant and proven concepts from for example, the behavioural and implementation sciences, management science, and professional development, in order to equip researchers for effective teamworking and maximise research impact on social and economic transformation through collaborative interactions and co-creation
- to design methodologies for training of researchers in transversal skills, such as communication, cross-sectoral teamwork and research involving collaborating with stakeholders
- to develop cultural competence that enables researchers to work productively and meaningfully in teams that span countries, sectors, disciplines and other cultural divides
- to promote interdisciplinary research teams around key societal challenges
Proposals under this topic should therefore combine communication, management and collaborative skills with behavioural sciences and implementation sciences for the lifelong training of researchers in ‘transferrable’ skills, in the course of their curricula or as part of the updating of their professional careers. A focus on teamworking will be an asset in the career and job paths and will gradually lead to achieve and maximise impact on and in our societies, economies and democracies.
Efforts should be directed to identify, evaluate and suggest methodologies for training of researchers in behavioural and implementation sciences and transversal skills, in the course of their curricula or as part of the updating of their professional careers. Work should also concentrate on the practical aspects of teamworking.