Michigan Society of Fellows Postdoctoral Fellowships

- The Society of Fellows is an interdisciplinary intellectual community in which the postdoctoral Fellows are joined by Senior Fellows to share their work in progress.
- Fellows are expected to participate in monthly colloquia, attend dinners of the Society, and to engage in conversation with other members about their intellectual interests.
- They participate in the annual evaluation of new applicants for the Fellowship.
- They serve as evaluators for the Distinguished Dissertations Awards sponsored by the Rackham Graduate School.
- Each fellow is expected to teach the equivalent of one academic year, i.e., a total of two terms during the period of the fellowship.
- Each Fellow has a three-year appointment as Assistant Professor in an affiliated department of the University and a concurrent three-year appointment as a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Society of Fellows.
- This appointment is not tenure-track.
- Any subsequent appointment of a Fellow to a position at the University of Michigan would be subject to the rules governing new appointments.
Stipend and Benefits
- The current annual stipend is $63,000.
- Fellows are eligible for participation in the University health, dental, and life insurance programs.
Fellows are expected to be in residence in Ann Arbor for the academic years of appointment (September to May) and to participate in the activities of the Society of Fellows.
Off-Campus Research Leave
Off-campus research leave during academic terms will be permitted only in rare cases, only for brief periods of time, and only upon written application to the Chair of the Society well in advance of the proposed leave. Any leave granted will count as part of the fellowship tenure.
Fellows are asked to cite their affiliation with the Society of Fellows in any publications that result from work done during their tenure and to provide the Society with copies of such published work.
Report on Scholarship
At the end of each fellowship year, Fellows are asked to submit a written report on their activities and accomplishments during the year.
Research Assistance
- The departments of appointment have primary responsibility for providing office and laboratory or studio space for Fellows, as well as access to other research needs or equipment.
- The Society will help to assure the cooperation of departments in providing the requisite setting for the scholarly and creative work of each Fellow.
- Each Fellow may draw on the Society’s funds for research or travel on approval from the Chair and with proper receipts, up to a total of $1500 per year.
- Fellows are encouraged to seek support from external agencies if it appears that their scholarly and creative work will be enhanced by such grants.
Fellowship Application
The 2023 application will be available August 1. Questions may be submitted to society.of.fellows@umich.edu.