Ministère de l'Éducation, de la science et du sport (Slovénie) (MIZS)

Priorities of the Ministry

  • Adopting legislation on higher education, research activities and sports.
  • Increasing funds for higher education and those aimed at improving its competitiveness.
  • Promoting free university studies, but under certain conditions.
  • Raising the quality of education and improving the achievement of pupils and introducing compulsory learning of two foreign languages in primary school.
  • Responding to changes in society and the labour marker; introducing more specific specialisation via vocational training.
  • Greater inclusion of children in nurseries and enabling all children to go to primary school near their home.
  • Reforming the promotion system and career development for school teachers and nursery staff, professional development of higher-education staff and reducing red tape with regard to managing schools and nurseries and implementing the education process.
  • Connecting research and education sectors so as to put education at the centre of Slovenia's development policy.
  • Promoting development mechanisms to prevent abuse in sports.
Europe : Slovénie
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Organisme public de coordination ou de financement de la recherche

Appels en cours

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