Vetenskapsrådet - Swedish Research Council


The Swedish Research Council is an authority within the Ministry of Education and Research. The Swedish Research Council has a leading role in developing Swedish research of the highest scientific quality, thereby contributing to the development of society.

Besides research funding, the agency advises the government on research-related issues and participates actively in the discussions to create understanding of the long-term benefits of research.

The Council's remit includes:

  • allocating funds for research 
  • identifying research areas for strategic investment in consultation with other research funding agencies
  • working on analysis, assessment and strategic matters in connection with research and research funding from a national and international perspective
  • promoting communication between researchers and different academic areas, and between researchers and society otherwise
  • promoting multi- and interdisciplinary research
  • making research results accessible and making sure they reach the areas of society where they can be useful, for example within education, healthcare and within trade and industry
  • advising the government on research-political matters
  • striving for increased national and international collaboration and benefit within the research community
  • promoting gender perspectives in research
  • having overarching responsibility for matters relating to ethical requirements in research
  • working for equality between men and women in the research community
  • increasing understanding of the importance of basic research to society
Europe : Suède
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Organisme public de coordination ou de financement de la recherche

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