Homerton College Junior Research Fellowships

Homerton College wishes to appoint up to two stipendiary and one non-stipendiary Junior Research Fellowships for outstanding researchers early in their careers.
For 2023, the College is proud to announce a new initiative: this year’s Junior Research Fellowship Competition is a themed call for ‘Research in Practice’. The College wishes to recruit Junior Research Fellows in the three key subject areas listed below, with a special focus on scholarship with a practical application including, but not limited to, scholar activism, social impact, and widening participation in education. The Junior Research Fellows will carry out a programme of research of their own devising that will include research-in-practice and social impact activities. The research programme will fulfil the goals of advancing the interests of the communities that are being researched and widening the impact of that research beyond the College and the University.
- Black History/Black European History
- Education
- Behavioural Neuroscience
Candidates may be graduates of any University and will have completed or be about to complete a PhD. There is no age limit, but a Junior Research Fellowship is intended to support those at an early stage in their academic careers. Applications are therefore invited from researchers who have completed no more than five years full-time doctoral research, or part-time equivalent. Exceptional circumstances will be taken into consideration. A Junior Research Fellowship is tenable for four years with effect from 1st October 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter.
The closing date for applications is Wednesday 24 May 2023.
Please see Further Particulars for more information.
How to apply:
Please go to https://app.casc.cam.ac.uk/fas_live/homjrf.aspx for information about how to apply online.
Enquiries of an academic nature may be addressed to Dr Katherine Boyle, Director of Research, by email on kvb20@cam.ac.uk
Enquiries concerning the application process and the logistics of the competition or Fellowship arrangements should be addressed to HR@homerton.cam.ac.uk