Institute for Advanced Transdisciplinary Studies (IEAT)


The objective of IEAT (Institute of Advanced Transdisciplinary Studies) of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG, is to generate a friendly environment fostering transdisciplinary studies based on excellence (to go beyond the usual and ordinary), cutting edge (turned towards the future), and induction (that interfere in the way of generating, organizing, and making public knowledge) at UFMG, covering different areas –humanities and arts, natural sciences and technology and biological sciences. It seeks the so-called state of the art of current knowledge, without which there are no advanced research or groups of excellence.

Amérique : Brésil
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Université

Appels en cours

Aucun appel en cours disponible pour cette institution.

Appels expirés