HORIZON EUROPE┋What is the long-term impact of rule of law and other European values on socio-economic outcomes?


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Expected Outcome

Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

  • Policy recommendations based on a better understanding of the impact of rule of law and other European Union values on socio-economic outcomes of individuals and states.
  • Enhanced knowledge of the social cost aspects of weakening the rule of law and robust quantification strategies in the area of rights and freedoms in the national and European context.
  • New datasets for this area of research, incorporating a systematic use of historical experiences, economic and econometric history approaches in conjunction with legal and political history analysis, where adequate.


Recent insights into the role of networks for the creation of value (for instance, the use of network models by human resources departments to estimate existing or future staff value, or the use of network theories to enrich the understanding of financial systems and related risks) have yet to be transferred in an important manner to areas of study dealing with important public/common goods such as rule of law and the various human and fundamental rights and freedoms established by European Union law. It is well understood that networks can amplify asset values in an important manner. How do structural features and metrics of societal networks impact that value of common/public goods? Is it possible to identify similar magnifying effects? And how can they be measured, in which unit can they be expressed? On the other hand value created within one particular network may not be transferable to another network without significant losses. What factors will determine the importance of such losses?

Variables under scrutiny may go beyond those used in the European Commission’s annual Rule of Law Report (variables such as baskets of opportunities, capabilities, etc.) as well as areas of outcomes that do not figure in this report and yet have important impacts on justice and inequality.

In addition, networks can also create value for individuals and clubs (club goods) that transfer the benefits of public goods (such as tax-funded education in elite institutions) to individual families, specific social groups and their descendants. Such social and economic captures, which have always existed, persist and in many cases have become stronger over time, thus reinforcing inequalities in the modern age. Similarly, the value of environmental public goods/commons might benefit only better off residents of certain types of cities. Such examples can be multiplied. Proposals should also map this type of value creation in a quantitative manner.

Proposals should explore changing valuation of public/common goods depending on different network topologies. They should investigate how are metrics of social (persons, individuals, not social media networks) and contractual (private contracts, private trades) networks associated with varying valuations public/common goods. Based on that, proposals should improve knowledge of the social cost aspects of weakening the rule of law. They should provide robust quantification strategies in the area of rights and freedoms in the national and European context.

Proposals should investigate historical developments to provide better understanding of present situation and present challenges.

Clustering and cooperation with other selected projects under this topic and other relevant projects are strongly encouraged.

Date de candidature
Humanités : Anthropologie & Ethnologie, Histoire, Philosophie, théologie et religion
Sciences sociales : Droit, Economie, Géographie, Gestion et administration publique, Relations internationales, Science politique, Sociologie