Collaborative Research Action (CRA)┋Climate & Cultural Heritage (CCH)

The French National Research Agency (ANR) participates in a “Collaborative Research Action” (CRA) launched in 2023 by the Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI CH) and Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe (JPI Climate), and the Belmont Forum. This funding opportunity focuses on research challenges at the interface of cultural heritage and climate change.
This CRA results from a White Paper jointly developed and published in March 2022 by the two JPIs and from joint scoping workshops held in June and September 2022 with the Belmont Forum. These workshops aimed at identifying and incorporating research priorities from Africa, the Americas and Asia.
The aim of this call is to support transdisciplinary research on cultural heritage and climate change, to enable collaboration between research communities from different countries and regions throughout the world, and to contribute to knowledge advances and policy change by addressing complex research themes at global level.
The call will address three complimentary themes:
- Theme 1: The Impact of Climate Change on Cultural Heritage;
- Theme 2: Cultural Heritage as a Resource for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation;
- Theme 3: Sustainable Solutions for Heritage.
Researchers interested in this call are invited to sign up to receive email updates on the Belmont Forum’s dedicated page. Those who have signed up will be invited to a webinar, to be held on 16 May 12:00-13:00 CEST, where they will have the opportunity to ask questions to the Thematic Programme Office (i.e. the transnational call secretariat) and to JPI CH, JPI Climate and Belmont Forum representatives.
Please note that signing up for these updates and participating in the webinar is not mandatory to submit a full proposal. Those who participate in the webinar are also under no obligation to submit a full proposal.
A research proposal must be submitted by a group called “Research Consortium” to be deemed eligible. Each Research Consortium must request financial support from at least three participating funding organizations from three different countries. It is also expected that partners within a Research Consortium will come from different disciplinary backgrounds and that the Research Consortium will also involve at least one societal partner (policymakers, industry, associations etc).
Applicants are invited to read carefully the Call for Proposals and the “modalités de participation des partenaires sollicitant une aide de l’ANR” and to contact ANR (see contact details below) to understand the eligibility requirements for this call.
Funding organizations from the following countries will support the call: Austria, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Switzerland, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States.
Funding organizations from the following countries have provisionally agreed to support this call: Belgium, the state of São Paulo in Brazil, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey. Their participation will be confirmed by the end of June 2023.
Please note that eligibility for funding is subject to meeting the specific eligibility requirements of each funding organizations. These requirements can be consulted on the call’s dedicated webpage on the Belmont Forum’s website.
- Documents
- Call for proposals
- Appendix for french participants
- Proposal submission platform (BFgo)
- ANR financial annex submission platform
- Dedicated webpage on the Belmont Forum’s website
Opening: 2023-04-26 at 10h00 CEST
Application Deadline: 2023-09-08 at 22h00 CEST
Previsionnal schedule
September – November 2023: evaluation
November 2023: outcome notification
January – June 2024: funded projects begin
ANR contact point:
Benjamin Konnert, Scientific Project Officer : benjamin.konnert(at)