Research Promotion Foundation (Cyprus) (RPF)

Founded in 1996, the Research Promotion Foundation (RPF) was established at the initiative of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, to promote the development of scientific and technological research in Cyprus due to the fundamental importance of research in contemporary societies.
The Foundation is an independent organisation governed by a twelve-member Board of Directors, appointed by the Council of Ministers for a five-year period.
The Foundation’s core objective is the promotion of scientific and technological research in Cyprus. Several specific objectives and priorities have been defined by the Foundation’s Statute and the decisions of its Board of Directors, for the promotion of this main objective.
Basic Goals
The Foundation’s core objective is the promotion of scientific and technological research and innovation in Cyprus. The specific objectives and priorities defined by the Foundation’s Statute and the decisions of its Board of Directors are as follows:
- To monitor and coordinate the scientific and technological research and innovation in Cyprus.
- To identify appropriate thematic areas for conducting demand-driven research, taking into consideration the developmental needs of Cyprus.
- To provide funding for the implementation of research and technological development projects and innovation activities.
- To promote the participation of Cypriot research organisations in European research programmes.
- To evaluate the potential of organisations or individual researchers for carrying out research.
- To advise the government on research issues.
- To upgrade the infrastructure for research activities.
- To promote awareness of the Cypriot public for the importance of research in contemporary societies.
Basic Activities
Activities of the Foundation
The Foundation has developed a wide range of activities throughout its ten-years presence in the research area of Cyprus. These fall into two main categories:
- Financing Research Projects through the Development and Monitoring of Competitive Programmes
The first category aims primarily at enhancing research, technological development and innovation activities in Cyprus and moreover at increasing the critical mass of researchers and research projects undertaken in Cyprus. The main instruments for achieving these goals involve competitive programmes developed and monitored by RPF and the related funds come from the Cyprus government budget and, as from 2007, also from the Structural Funds of the European Union.
- Managing European Research and Innovation Projects and Promotion of International Cooperation in Research and Innovation
The second category encompasses the development of several activities to facilitate the creation of networks between Cypriot and foreign scientists. Most of these activities relate to the involvement of Cypriot scientists in European research and innovation programmes, the cooperation with international organisations supporting research and innovation activities and the preparation and implementation of bilateral agreements between Cyprus and other countries in the field of research and technological development.