Smart Urban Futures

The call asks researchers, practitioners, innovators, municipalities, urban utilities, businesses and other stakeholders dedicated to the development of European urban areas, to join forces and create transnational projects for research and innovation, which by the very nature and commitment of the relevant partners give an example of implementation and demonstration within the field. ENSUF appreciates and encourages collaboration between multiple partners from across Europe, with broad geographical spread where this is of relevance to the research project and its implementation.

The projects submitted in this call should operationalise:

  • Transdisciplinary co-creation in research and innovation;
  • Smart integrated urban development;
  • Utilisation of the spatial and institutional perspective of urban areas thus bridging gaps between research disciplines, citizens and decision makers, cities and consumers.

The contents of projects resulting from this call should address one or more of the following topics:

  • Concepts and strategies for smart urban transformation, growth and shrinkage;
  • New dynamics of public services;
  • Inclusive, vibrant and accessible urban communities.

Proposals for collaborative transnational projects should ideally cover strategic and applied research as well as innovation and implementation, but with reference to the topic addressed in the proposal and the available funding for the project partners on the national or regional level. There is no funding available for industrial/commercial scale pilot projects.

The call for pre-proposals is open until 15 March 2016 (12:00 noon CET). In May 2016 applicants will be invited to enter the second stage of the procedure: the call for full proposals will close on 20 September 2016 (12:00 noon CET).

Date de candidature
Up to 3 years
Social sciences