2nd call for proposals for CIVIS Hub 1 activities: climate, environment and energy

The second call for proposals for CIVIS hub 1 activities invites Academics and Researchers from CIVIS member universities to submit a project proposal on climate, environment and energy.

This call aims at developing joint educational and research initiatives among the CIVIS member universities and welcomes the following initiatives:

  • new proposals fulfilling the 3-partner criterion
  • proposals submitted for the first call (see below) but with additional partners to ensure fulfilment of the 3-partner criterion.

The Hub 1 Council received 99 proposals for activities in response to the first call for proposals. Most of these proposals concern activities for which additional partners are needed to meet the 3-partner criterion for CIVIS activities. For this reason, we are now publishing a second call, specifically for activities which meet this criterion.

Hub 1 initiatives will be organized into a framework which is partly based on focal challenges defined by Future Earth. This framework encompasses research-oriented education and knowledge-action education pathways that target the following focal challenges:

  • Deliver energy, water, and food for all
  • Decarbonise socio-economic systems to stabilise the climate
  • Safeguard the terrestrial, freshwater and marine natural assets
  • Increase resilience and promote sustainable transformations
  • Create fundamental knowledge about climate, environment and energy

We welcome proposals for education and research activities. Our objective is to foster synergies among Education and R&I. The activities can, for example, include courses, summer schools, workshops, semesters, project supervision and research exchanges. The proposed activities could include training & research projects with students as well as workshops/meetings of academic staff to develop future joint academic & research activities.

Proposals must be submitted using the template below (see section: application form).

The completed application should be sent to fredrik.oldsjo@su.se by 1 February 2021.

Date de candidature
Sciences sociales
Autres : Biologie