Norface Democratic governance in a turbulent age (Governance)

This programme is no longer accepting applications.
As a member of the NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe) Network, ANR participates in the call for proposals « Democratic governance in a turbulent age (Governance) ». This call aims to address important challenges to democratic governance and politics in Europe which are facing turbulent times. This ERA-NET Cofund research programme offers a timely investigation of the precise nature of the turbulence, but also how European states can negotiate it and develop strategies to enhance the quality of democratic politics and governance.
The programme is structured around five of the most important challenges to democratic governance and politics:
- Inequality and redistribution
- The evolving politics of threat
- The democratisation of information
- Shifting identities and representation
- The changing authority of institutions
Only transnational projects will be funded. Researchers can submit a proposal on behalf of a project team comprised of at least three (3) eligible research partners based in three or more different countries participating in this NORFACE Call. There must at least be a Main Applicant, and two or more Co-applicants in each consortium. Only researchers employed in the following countries are eligible to apply as Main Applicant or Co-Applicant, irrespective of their nationality: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
For this Call, national/regional eligibility rules apply as well as transnational eligibility rules. Therefore, French applicants are subject to the ANR regulations. In particular, the French applicants must read the document entitled “Appendix for French participants” (see below) and the ANR’s “Règlement financier”.
General information
Applications to the Governance programme will be processed in two stages; an Outline Proposal stage and a Full Proposal stage. All Outline and Full Proposals must be completed in English, be submitted via the electronic application system ISAAC (see above) and follow the proposal structure as set out in the Call for Proposals and in the application template available on the NORFACE website (see link above). Proposals received after the deadline, or failing to comply with the published requirements, will be rejected.
French applicants invited to the Full Proposal stage will have to fill out the ANR Budget document downloadable on this webpage. Be sure to enable macros. This document must be fully and properly filled out and transmitted electronically to the ANR. Instructions for this submission will be specified during the Full Proposal stage.
Catherine Pellini
+33(0)1 73 54 81 98
Lionel Obadia
Coordination Office