Norface Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course: structures and processes (DIAL)

Existing and rising inequalities pose fundamental challenges to European societies and economies. The increasing gap between rich and poor, exacerbated by the recent financial and economic crises, is a key concern. The sources of inequalities in contemporary societies are complex and highly intertwined and they and their consequences can only be understoodby comprehensive research activities.
It is for this reason that NORFACE (the New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe) network launches a major transnational programme on the topic of Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course: structures and processes (Acronym: DIAL).
This programme has three major objectives:
- To advance globally excellent theoretical and methodological research on dynamicsof inequality across the life-course which may be multi-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary and comparative, and which builds synergistically on a pan-European basis.
- To motivate and support excellence and capacity building for research on dynamics of inequality across the life-course on a cross-national basis throughout the NORFACE countries.
- To develop understanding and promote research-based knowledge and insight into dynamics of inequality across the life-course for issues of societal, practical and policy relevance, with theoretical foundations but worked on jointly with relevant users and experts.
The programme is structured around four themes that reflect transitions and trajectories at four stages of the life course, described in detail in the programme text accompanying this call for proposals.
These four themes are:
- 1) early life influences and outcomes;
- 2) early adult transitions into tertiary education, vocational training and economic activity;
- 3) labour market and family trajectories and the growth of inequality; and
- 4) labour market participation in later life and retirement.
The themes for the programme have been prepared by an international, multi-disciplinary Theme Expert Group,which prepared the programme text.
The NORFACE Network Board invites proposals for innovative research addressing one or more of these themes. The description of the four themes gives a clear indication of areas that are considered priorities. However, it is expected that applicants will develop and add to these areas. In addition, applicants are encouraged to consider linkages across these four life stages, and linkages across different dimensions of inequality.
Applicants are encouraged to take full advantage of existing data sources, exploiting the strong data infrastructure for social, behavioural and economic research that exists across several European countries.
The funding available for this major trans-national programme over a period of three years has been set at a minimum of 15M€. ECsupport may also be available for this programme. More information about this additional funding will be available before the evaluation of the Full Proposals.